Binocular Lending: Sea Rim’s Newest Offering

‘Check Out’ Binocular Lender Program
Because birds look so good close up, so you can spot far-away vessels and since you should keep your distance from alligators, binoculars are a fantastic tool. Did you bring yours to Sea Rim State Park? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Get a Better Look!
The Port Arthur Convention & Visitors Bureau has presented five pairs of lending binoculars for visitors to check out from the main office. They’re great for beginners who will appreciate seeing every feather of that crazy hairdo a Royal tern sports, a Ruddy turnstone looking under shells for dinner or a Laughing gull knowing the joke’s on him.
How to Get in on This
“The binoculars are looking great,” says Madeline Martin, park interpreter. “If someone wants to borrow a pair of binoculars, they sign a paper and list all the people that would be using the binoculars and whether they’ve used binoculars before. This is to track how many new people we are introducing to binoculars. I am developing an Intro to Birding Program to teach people the basics of binoculars and answer some of their questions about birds,” Martin said.
Other Spots to #birdportarthur
- Hermit crabs – Their backside is soft and unprotected, so they hide in abandoned shells.
- Racoons – They eat just about anything, including blue crabs and bird eggs.
- Sea turtles – Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles can live up to 50 years and grow up to 100 pounds. They are endangered so report any sightings to a ranger.
- Seaweed – Really? Sea Rim is a natural beach so it stays as a part of the park’s environment. “The seaweed provides shelter and food for many insects and crustaceans that can be food for the birds,” Martin says. “They can also use the seaweed for nesting material.”
- Flounder – These saltwater species are in waters around Sea Rim’s shore lines, but keep those binoculars away from the water!
- Alligators – Keep your distance. They’re great swimmers and those tails propel them through the water. When a opens its mouth and hisses, you have come too close. Back away slowly.
Visit Port Arthur
Visit the park to stimulate your sense of adventure and learn all you can about this amazing Upper Texas Gulf Coast habitat.
Are you really into birds? Visit nearby Sabine Woods and McFaddin National Wildlife Refuge. They’re both just down the road from Sea Rim State Park. Read all about our birding here.