Port Arthur Celebrates Maritime Day

National Maritime Day in Port Arthur
Port Arthur is an important port city on the scenic Texas Coast. National Maritime Day is May 22 and Port Arthur’s International Seafarers’ Center is planning multiple events.
In 1933, Congress declared National Maritime Day to commemorate the American steamship Savannah’s voyage from the United States to England, marking the first successful crossing of the Atlantic Ocean with steam propulsion. Maritime Day is a time-honored tradition that recognizes one of our country’s most important industries.
In Port Arthur, the Seafarer’s Center hosted a meet and greet for more than 20 staff members from the Maritime Administration.
The public is invited to attend the 32nd Annual Maritime Memorial at the Seamen’s Memorial Sundial, which is dedicated to the crew of the Texaco-Oklahoma.
THE EVENT: Annual National Maritime Day Observance
Theme: Empowering Women in the Maritime Community
When: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 10 a.m.
Where: Seamen’s Memorial Sundial, 1100 4th Street (Lakeshore Drive), Port Arthur.
The Memorial ends with a procession up the Seawall for the laying of a wreath upon the water.
The Port of Port Arthur will sponsor a luncheon at the Seafarers’ Center, immediately following.
The Port Arthur International Seafarers’ Center and Camp SeaPort are locking arms together to hold the Second Annual TEXAS – National Maritime Celebration! In other words…it’s a TEXAN sized National Maritime Day. Everything’s bigger in Texas…right? This event honors the past and looks to the bright future of the Maritime Industry.
The theme for the evening will be “Treasures of the Sea,” celebrating the treasures these two charities bring to our region, and the bounty that the sea brings to us. The event raises awareness of the region’s importance to state, national and global commerce. This will be a night to honor where we have been and look to the future, learn about the state of the Sabine-Neches Waterway, and the opportunities that our Maritime Industry brings to the area. A portion of the evening’s proceeds will go toward scholarships for area youth and support for the Port Arthur International Seafarers’ Center.
The Event: The Texas National Maritime Celebration
THEME: Treasures of the Sea
When: Thursday, May 23, 2019, beginning with 6:30 p.m. cocktails, networking, wine pull and silent auction
Where: At Lamar State College Port Arthur Carl A. Parker Multipurpose Center
Dress: Cocktail Attire
Check out the event site for tickets.
While in celebrating, check out the Maritime exhibit at Museum of the Gulf Coast in Port Arthur.