008 Recommends Port Arthur Faith Trail

Agent Cheré Coen presents “008 Recommends: The Faith Trail of Port Arthur” in the summer issue of “008” magazine.
“Traveling around America, I’m always amazed at the strange hidden gems lurking around every corner. I love the quirky ones, the weird attractions, the unusual sites in. In Port Arthur, Texas, however, what’s unique doubles as a comfort,” the writer begins her travelogue.
Word on the “awesome Janis Joplin exhibit” at Museum of the Gulf Coast, the 17-foot bronze Mary statue at Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine, the nearby Vietnamese Queen of Peace Shrine and gardens at Buu Mon Buddhist Temple fill a page in the travel section of the June/July issue of the Louisiana magazine out of Lafayette and Acadiana. Coen also notes charms of Port Arthur’s Pompeiian Villa.
Here’s the whole story: “The Faith Trail of Port Arthur.”