Try the Pleasure Island Bird Blind

Get a Look at Those Birds and Other Local Wildlife!
Enjoy waterside views while hidden from Port Arthur’s bounty of birds. A new bird blind on Pleasure Island is the latest way to #birdportarthur and you’ll want to spot this spot.
The wooden blind is situated near the base of the golf ball water tower on the island. Park at the base of this towering landmark and walk a short distance to the wooden blind which features seating and window slots so visitors stay secluded.
Who’s Out There?

A Great Blue Heron seems to love it out there, perching and wading in foliage at the far end of the pond. Some other birds that might keep it company are the long-legged Great Egret and Tri Colored Heron. Look for Anhinga, Pie-billed Grebe, Neotropic Cormorant and Green Heron. Spring and Fall migration are especially busy in Port Arthur. Songbirds who may be hanging out on Pleasure Island include Common Yellowthroat, Carolina Chickadee and Carolina Wren. For more on the blind, click here.
Duck for These

Year-round Pleasure Island lovers you can find at various spots on the island include Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Blue/Green-winged Teal, Shoveler, Pintail, Baldpate, American Wigeon and Mottled Duck.
Side trip for Duck Lovers: Of course, if you’re REALLY into ducks, take note that the nearby McFaddin National Wildlife Reserve is known for the THOUSANDS of ducks who visit this area of the Texas Chenier Plain Refuge Complex. There ducks in 24 species can number up to 100,000 from October through March.
Toothy Caution!
Back to our Pleasure Island bird blind. Keep an eye out for signs cautioning you about the wildlife. At this pond, American Alligators and feral pigs could also be fascinated by those birds. Stay on the walking path (did we mention there’s a walking path?) and stay out of their way.
If you want to safely see alligators up close and personal, check out Gator Country.
Why #birdportarthur?

Our beautiful Port Arthur coastline is in both the Central and Mississippi flyways. Thousands of colorful warblers and more fly in during spring migration as we’re the first land they see. It’s time to drop down, rest and grab a bite. They head out from here during fall migration. Aside from great fishing in Sabine Lake, great food and good music, our feathered friends are a big draw to Port Arthur, the official Cajun Capital of Texas. Birders come from all over the globe for birding in Sabine Woods and Sea Rim State Park. Read about our other birdy local sights and request a guide here.
More Ways to enjoy Pleasure Island

A new pirate ship playground will catch your eye and imagination. Get the kids to play out some energy. We love the boardwalk, the fishing Sabine Lake and the views. Trout, redfish and flounder are why fishermen fill our waters. For an angler’s guide to the area, look here.
Pleasure Island Marina, Port Arthur Yacht Club and The Island Disc Golf are some fun ways to explore. You’re likely to catch huge tankers gliding into the Port of Port Arthur. Just getting there is an adventure. The Martin Luther King bridge to the Island affords views clear to Louisiana.
The Pleasure Island Commission received a Jefferson County tourism grant to build the blind for all to enjoy. Golden Triangle Audubon Society members helped discern just the right island site. In the spring, plump, ripe mulberries get those birds’ attention. To experience more Pleasure Island perks, read here.