Black History Month: The Soul of Port Arthur: African-American tour

The Soul of Port Arthur
Black History Month calls for celebration of Port Arthur’s diverse heritage. Our “City by the Sea” reflects pride in community, music, food and faith.
Pride that Matters
Port Arthur’s West Side story, Juneteenth, murals, trill vibes and more are featured on Soul of Port Arthur, the African-American tour of Port Arthur. Play at Barbara Jacket Park, honor a veteran and humanitarian, learn about Kwanzaa and worship at historical churches. Be sure to tune into Stephen A. Mosely on The Breeze Radio, KSAP – 96.9 FM/LP.
Middle Passage
The Sabine River and Sabine Lake regions where captive African children, women and men first disembarked after the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean is known as the Middle Passage. A marker installation is planned for March 25, 2024. This marker will join the the only other Texas marker of this type in Galveston.
Let’s go!
Museum of the Gulf Coast is a motivational first stop. Learn about the over-the-shoulder washboard, designed here in Port Arthur. Hear some musical greats from Zydeco’s Clifton Chenier to blues diva Barbara Lynn and rapper Bun B. Displays tell stories of nationally-known athletes and performers.
Historically Inspiring
You’ll love Port Arthur’s history, and our present. We’re still creating! Click below to get started.